Monday, December 24, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Ladies and Gentlemen ...
I present to you ... Ben 'Fuckin' Felton:
While me and young Felton made every one's night with our audience participation at Bowery Ballroom (except for this one bouncer who was furious at me)... Some band played some songs ... JESUS, TAKE ME TO A HIGHER PLACE!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Part Chimp

Well, Part Chimp really has nothing to do with Mogawi except that Mogawi put out their record in Europe on Rock Action records (oh yeah that was the (awful) title of the record that followed CODY) ...
Part Chimp is the shit-shit ... Kinda like unwound...if unwound weren't such fucking pussies...uh i mean if they were louder.... I first discovered them cause some smelly fucking hippy used their songs as part of a promo for that "fast food nation" movie ... I am personally pro-multinational corporations killing people off with diseased food, but i thought the songs were kinda killin' 'em so I got "I am come"... good tunes ...they also have a singles comp call "cup" which is pretty much the business ...there first record is called "chart pimp" ... witty...but i ain't heard it ... so in summary
Watch this video, download the songs, buy a record, and prepared to have your face melted off ...
All from the I Am Come record
Punishment Ride
I Am Come
30 Billion People ... not to be confused with 100 million dollars which is also a really good song .. the baby verse kinda blows minds ... IRAN ... and yeah i know white people like lil wheezy in some ironic way ...but "i ain't made at him" cause he kinda drops gems on duders. Forget the other fat guys in the video they ain't saying much. But the birdman/lil Wayne are good...I mean c'mon they are famous rappers yet they have a relationship that is both homoerotic and oedipal at the same time. Not bad.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Such a simple idea, and yet so genius

For more go here and hit refresh a couple of times
If you are a 12 year old girl and have a facebook account, you can see more here
Monday, December 10, 2007
Kill Me
Now normally ... I read the words "fall out boy" and i imediatley think "too easy." Making fun of fall out boy or really commenting on them in anyway feels ...well cheap ... like pushing a quadropelgic down a flight of stairs or challenging a retarded adult to a game of chess. But, I'm pretty sure this pile of shit could inspire ian curtis to commit suicide a second time.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Speaking of King Diamond

He named his skull-cross microphone "melissa" ... what did you name yours? Oh yeah, you didn't. Because you don't have one have a fucking skull-cross microphone? DO you, you fucking loser?
Is your non-existant skull croos mic named after a witch? No I didn't think so. The king D named his after this witch who he loved. She got burnt at the stake by a dirty priest. So let's clear one thing up. Even if you had a skull-cross mic it would not have THIS back story. Cause there's no way you could pull a witch dude. You aint got it like that, hos.. Witches are tuff to score with dude, that's kinda a known thing. I mean if you had a shot, but c'mon look in the mirror.
Then you know what your man KD did? Huh, do ya? He put a curse on that prick fucking priest. What would you do? Fucking cry about it? If you don't belive King D did check "Come to the Sabbath" (below) (that not that you'd be invited to sabbath bro, only real motherfucking Gs allowed)
He cursed Manowar (althought I'm pretty sure they cursed themselves by writing those songs) ... ps did you know that a memeber of the dictators was in manowar ... yeah me neither ... wait a second. am i really discussing manowar? .... moving on
here's another thing about "the big D" he loves the hate:
"We hate Mercyful Fate. We just want to kill 'em, then rape King Diamonds mother!" - Cronos, Venom ... who let's face it is quite quotable
I dare to sing that high, broham ... triple-dog-dare ... you aint doing itcause you aint the king, your a prince diamond at best ... probably just a duke ...
nah but seriously .... do me a favor
A Dangerous Meeting
The Oath
Come to the Sabbath
Thursday, December 6, 2007
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