... ala 50 Cent ... Or maybe its that dude Karl from Earth Crisis ... i remeber being so scared of getting the shit kicked outta me for smoking some nails at certain shows ...but i mean its worth the risk to see shelter live ..oh wait no it wasn't).... back in those days there was some story where some SxE vegan douche bag..oh i mean dude... went to an earth crisis show wearing a fake fur coat and "Karl" was like "beat this dude's ass." The said dude worte about it in a fanzine ...and was like look I exposed Karl .. god hardcore was real gay... gayer than a thousands freddie mecurys ...i mean gayer then two men making love... which isn't actually gay in the way i'm using the term ... seriously: how do you spell dipshit? K-A-R-L plus i mean the nignog's name was Karl ...how you gonna be named KArl?! 4 Real... ..that's weaksauce ...
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