I'm feeling pretty guilty these days. Actually, I've been feeling pretty guilty for, well, close to a year now. It's not because I had a pork bun during passover and it's not because I write "Haha" in text messages when I think something's funny. Shit, it's not even because I own the first two Killers records (I didn't pay for them -- I swear. Seriously. Leave me alone). It's because of a certain quartet of Jim-Johns who go by the name Against Me! (Yeah, there's an exclamation point in their name. Ugh.) Now, I'll admit I've only heard a few of their songs, but they infuriated me. Boring, dumb lyrics, blah, blah, blah. I don't even know enough about them to validate my hatred and I intend to keep it that way. But, for all their flaws, for all their toothpicks that stick me in the eye, the one thing I hate most about them is that they wrote this fucking song. This song rules. I can't stop listening to it. I paid 99 fucking cents on iTunes so I could listen to this song all the time. And I do. When I'm on my way to work, when I'm getting dressed, when I feel angry, when I wanna get fired up, when I'm cleaning the apartment -- all the time. Talihan and I went to see Mastodon about a year ago and they were opening and I was legitimately bummed that we missed them. Fuck. Heaven help me:
Alright. Let's talk about this. Street-cred is way important to me so let me tell you what I find intolerable about this first:
1. The lyrics, dude, the lyrics. I'm not trying to play my expert card, but I'm pretty sure that punk rock songs are not allowed to use the word "minimum."
2. The drummer. I'm not buying that beard or those glasses, bruh. Sorry.
3. Surprise, surprise -- lyrics again. Now, it's been a while since I graduated from college but I'm pretty sure I remember being taught that the first rule to writing a song about a junkie is DON'T USE THE WORD "JUNKIE."
4. Just about everything else about this song/video.
5. As I said, I can't stop listening to it.
Alright. Now to defend myself. Why I love this song:
1. The intro with the guitar and drums -- classic. Gets me every time.
2. The chorus has a "ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba" part. I'm really into that.
3. Uh, the...uh..I just really like it. Sorry. I hate myself.
So, in conclusion. This song blows. But if you deny the fact that it rules you are lying to yourself and everyone you know. Know what I mean? This song is kinda like a Spike Lee movie: it spells everything out for you, makes me kinda furious with white people and I keep on coming back for more. Damn. It feels so good to be bad.