Wanna hear a discussion by some former drug addict about which was a bigger buzz bin hit song in 1994: cannonball or cut your hair? Yeah me neither really ... but it beats doing work ... and sometimes harassing people on email and being a g-chat menace gets old ... i don't know about you but this kinda makes me wanna shove stephen malkmus in a locker, and punch deal in the nose ...
from you favorite mag: time out new york, an interview with kim deal
“Cannonball” was a big crossover hit. Ever get sick of it?
No. That used to be a popular stance for indie-rockers to take. If somebody actually liked one of their songs, then they would hate the song. I was never like that.
Did the success of that song cause any jealousy among your indie-rock peers?
You know, [Pavement’s Stephen] Malkmus is being a bit of a bitch in interviews recently. One thing he said last summer referred to me as “trashy mouth.” And he just did this article in Spin where he alluded to me unpleasantly, saying [something like], “You know, I always thought that Pavement could have had one of those big hits in the early ’90s with ‘Cut Your Hair,’ but I guess people preferred ‘Cannonball.’ ”
Are you a fan of his music?
Yeah, I liked Pavement. But if he keeps fucking smacking his mouth off about me, I’m going to end up not being able to listen to any of their fucking records again. Anyway, I thought, God, man, “Cut Your Hair” isn’t as good of a song as “Cannonball,” so fuck you. How’s that? Your song was just a’ight, dawg. (i heart Francesa ... he is the most preposterous human being evah)
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