So the other day I'm sitting around reading my own posts (which I do -- a lot) and I rechecked out a link to a video of a little group of juggernauts I like to call Steely Dan. Holy shit, dude, are these guys the best-fucking-ever or what? I'm not sure if Talihan will fully support my love of these dudes, yet, but he will in time. I used to hate them when a friend of mine in college tried to turn me onto the Aja record. I was like, "bro -- how can you like this garbage? It's like smooth jazz for aging hipsters that are too wimpy to still do coke but wanna feel alive again." My friend was like, "There's one thing about Steely Dan you need to get past in order to like them. I can't articulate what it is but it exists and once you get past it, brother, the future is glorious."
Well, my friend was right. I'm not sure what that one thing is, but it really is there and I definitely got past it. I love these guys and am definitely contemplating shelling out 54 bones to see them in a few weeks. I mean, come on? You gots to be doing something right if you play a type of music that you yourself proudly categorize as "jazz-rock" and still come off as two of the toughest dudes of all time.
Anyway, it's Sunday, the weather is, as we say in the industry, fucking fantastic and I'm about to go to a rooftop cookout. What's my point? This song is in my head right now as my own personal soundtrack to the day. Spring is almost over and summer is up next, bitches. Let's get drunk before 2pm -- not kidding.
P.S. Jeff "Skunk" Baxter? I believe it's pronounced "yes-fucking-please."
p.p.s. Chevy Chase was their first drummer. No shit.
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