Thursday, June 26, 2008

So Real

Did you know that in the underground, integrity lies within? Me neither, but apparently it does. I guess I first heard about this in high school, when I first heard this song -- then I never heard about it again. What am I talking about?

Anyway, here's the point: '90s hardcore. I can't get enough of it and Sick of it All (SOIA) were pretty much as good as it got for me. What great attitudes those bros had. I remember seeing them on the Warped tour (It was the first one! With Quicksand! Leave me alone!) and some people started shouting our requests. The fellas pretty much just ignored the crowd until Lou Koller (i.e. one of the greatest men of all time) decided to respond. He started off all serious, sounding kinda pissed off. In a quiet tone he says something like, "Now, how long have you been coming to see us? After all this time, you should know by now (then he raises his voice) we don't do fucking requests!" It was weird for a second because he immediately followed this claim by saying, in the most playful of playful tones, "I'm just kidding. I don't want anyone to kick my ass or anything." It was crazy. It was like that scene in that movie where you think the dog is going to bite down on the guy's hand and then he licks it. Know what I'm talking about? Whatever. Also in that show he said, "We've been doing this for a long time now. But for those of you who've never seen us before, let me just tell you (and then he screams) WE CAN'T SING!!!" Pure comic genius.

This is how it's done:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ayo ... funk that ... man emo style so good it hurts