Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy 120: Part 2

I just received an email from a dear friend that went like this:

dear suckton,

I read your newest post just moments ago, and while I applaud the subject matter-who could argue that those talented dudes have been largely overlooked-I'm confused by your song choice. I know you wanted to go a bit more obscure than 'Cult', but what's wrong with 'Funny Vibe' for chrissakes? Or one of the gems on Times Up or Stain? 'Open Letter' could be a Motley Crue song if you just changed the lyrics in the chorus to shit about hot tubs and Harley's.
Better yet, why not just a post dedicated to Muzz Skillings? I wonder what he's doing now...probably giving bass lessons to little kids who will eventually become you and Silk...

ALSO, after reading that RFTC post, I was reminded of when we saw them at Irving Plaza and had an extra ticket. I asked some dude in a big hooded parka if he needed a ticket, to which he replied "Hell no, who want's to see THIS fucking band", and then proceeded to walk in the side door. Was it you, or Rosenberg who then pointed out to me that I had just offered to scalp Speedo a ticket to his own show?

good times.

I replied:

Dearest Matthew,

Thanks for reading. I would like to respond to your beefs. First of all, I'm not sure if you checked all the links, but the "shred your damn faces" sentence will take you to a video of them performing "Cult" on Arsenio that will pretty much de-virginize you. "Glamor Boys," well, well that video is so ridiculous I had to include it. As far as "Open Letter to a Landlord" is concerned, I have to disagree. I've always loved that song, and being that SORB is a New York bog I felt it would be a good fit. And, as I mentioned, I've been thinking about that one a lot lately. I certainly should have included some stuff from Stained. "Leave it Alone" and "Bi" were definitely fucking monsters. I guess it slipped my mind. Perhaps a follow-up post should be in order.

As for your birthday RFTC show, I absolutely remember that. However, I seem to recall it being Nick Kramer who tried to scalp a ticket to Speedo. Could be wrong. Either way, it was Rosenberg that pointed it out.

I want so bad for you to stick your finger in my peanut butter.


So here's a little more, bitches.

Funny Vibe

Leave it Alone

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