Friday, February 1, 2008

Happy 120

Welcome to round two of 120 Minutes Friday. I'm actually totally shocked that I've managed to commit to more than one of these things. Wild. To know Mr. Talihan and myself is to know that we've been long time supporters of alternative rock. In fact, I believe our friendship sprouted in 9th grade when Talihan asked me what kind of music I liked. Trying to sound whatever, I gave him a long, eclectic list. But, when I got to "alternative" he stopped me and simply said, "Oh, alternative? Yeah, me too." The rest is history. One of these alt bands that we've been sweatin' for quite some time is The Afghan Whigs. With lyrics like: Ladies let me tell you about myself/I got a dick for a brain/and my brain is gonna sell my ass to you/Now I'm okay, but in time I'll find I'm stuck/'Cause she wants love and I still wanna fuck, any male from ages 15 through 98 would pretty much consider singer Greg Dulli a golden god. "Honkey's Ladder" off the Black Love record was one of my favorite jams and this video for it has a little extra treat. Turn the volume up a bit:

Matt Pinfield! Holy shit! I haven't thought about you in years, sweet prince! He was great. MTV said, "Hey -- fuck a bunch of pretty boys and quirky girls. Let's get a short, fat, bald dude that loves the Buzzcocks to VJ for us. That'll show 'em." And they did. Once, in high school, a friend of mine and I went to see Sonic Youth at the Roseland Ballroom. We saw Mr. Pinfield walking around and we went up and told him we were fans. He was so fucking stoked. He got all up in our faces and started screaming, "YOU LOVE MUSIC!!! YOU LOVE MUSIC!!!" No shit. Then he started going, "Who do you love? Who do you love?" (Which kinda sounded like the "Really Wrong, Really Wrong" part of Caravan in the Last Waltz) Put on the spot, the best we could come up with was Frank Black to which he responded. "I HAD HIM ON THE SHOW!!! I LOOK JUST LIKE HIM!!!" Then he left. After that may have been when I had my first cigarette. But back to the Whigs. A tragic loss to the alternative rock world. Greg Dulli's got a new project called the Gutter Twins, but it'll never be "Debonair" or "Going to Town."

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