Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fair or Unfair?

So life is unfair , this has been established. Not to be a bummer or anything. Cause, I mean there is also some real beatiful shit in life, but also some really unforgiveable shit.

The most unfair thing I can think of at the moment is the fact that I wasn't born the guitar player in this band (no, I do not know how to play guitar ... why? is that important?)


Anonymous said...

Man, I used to be in a band that practiced down the hall from Botch. One night I listened to them work on the first 30 seconds of a song for like 45 minutes. It was amazing. They'd play the first three measures a couple of times, then it would be four measures a couple times, then five. It was insanely complex and you could hear them working it out as they went. What a great band.

Mordecai said...

Fuck that! I wanna be the drummer. Like I wish I was him. I've never seen someone make not giving a fuck look so good.

Anonymous said...

botch blew minds ... but moti if i was the guitarist i could hang with the drummer